May it be a lesson to all! Assad governed a multi ethnic Syria, among them a non-native Sunni Muslim majority (unrequited tolerance allowed them to become a majority); Sunnis ended up sympathizing with foreign Israel-backed rebels, and ultimately raided the home of the benevolent but ousted president Assad. End.

@irie Benevolent is not exactly a word I'd use for a dictator, and that's coming from a Pinochet sympathizer.

@Wopu Assad was beloved by his people, the actual Syrian people. Dictator is a word the Western establishment applies to undesirable leaders. Meanwhile, midget Zelensky banned elections, opposition parties, and the native Orthodox Church, yet no one calls him a dictator in the Western establishment. Calling Assad a dictator is a sign of buying into propaganda.


@irie Bro the media even tried to rehabilitate ISIS' image as "rebels" and "freedom fighters" as if they're alright all of a sudden.

Worth mentioning the influx of millions of Syrians to Turkey and other parts of Europe, which you won't qualify as the "actual" Syrian people and that's fine. The Assad Regime was hardly a Constitutional Republic, he inherited a monarchy and ruled with an iron fist, for better or worse.

I'm not really invested in Assad's ruling, but more so what will happen next

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