@Shlomo I was about 1/3 through reading it and stopped for whatever reason, guess I can watch it now instead.

@Will2Power @Shlomo It's a great story for which I forgot most of it, and will look forward to the anime adaptation.

I'm not reading part 9 however. Part 9 was a 10 year journey for Araki and I can't be bothered to follow through.

@Wopu @Shlomo I don't know much of anything about part 8 or 9 but never saw a lot of people talking about them, so I assume they aren't as good.

@Will2Power @Shlomo Part 9 started a year ago I think.

Part 8 was ok. The setting is underwhelming and the plot is a bit ridiculous. The main antagonist took up until the last few chapters to reel itself and, while the stand is undeniably cool, the vilain could have been a more threatening presence throughout the story.

@Will2Power @Shlomo I meant Part 8 took 10 years, not part 9. I'm a retard...

@Wopu @Shlomo Yeah, I figure after part 7 he was pretty much done and tired of it. I only saw a rate thread here and there for part 8 on /a/ years ago.
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