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I don't often see pearls of fairy thinking and complete obliviousness to Reality, but this is la crême de la crême.

You got everything you need: dunk on libertarians + Women more intelligent than men

The face recognition from the Swissquote account activation page is an absolute piece of shit software.

I try having my eyes as large and identifiable as an Anime character's yet the thing just understand I'm blinking.

Also YOU CAN'T MANUALLY TAKE A PICTURE. They insist on using the automatic trigger that is seeing the person blink. It took 3 pictures out of the hundreds of blinking I did and I ended up keeping the picture when I scratch my ear. It was the best out of all of them...

Anyone got that video of a Russian soldier doing a guitar solo on a missile firing char ?

2 weeks following transition genital surgery be like

When a corporation gets subsidies from the State, and despite the aid, goes bankrupt then it gets nationalized. It becomes property of the State.

When the people get pensions and aids from the State, and despite the welfare programs, can't afford to live, then they "get nationalized". They become property of the State. "Serfdom" as some call it.

I finally did 90 days of exercise! Quite the milestone but also only the Beginning.

@Tfmonkey Take this with whatever size you want your salt but I find this to be a good illustration that, even if men don't know about MGTOW, they can get the philosophy by knowing better.

TL-DR: Girlfriend in a 2 years relationship goes to a work conference, mentions getting a "free pass". Boyfriend agrees. Two days later, he vanishes completely.

I gave some life advice to my boyfriend, and this is the meme we ended our chat on

The Tennessee Three trials pretty much was like opening an Oreo. You keep the white fatty cream while throwing away the black biscuits covering it.

"If the female is not remotely repulsive, it's the patriarchy or something."

Learning armature rigging in Blender was fun. Got to make my own mod for my favorite game of last year.

While I'm done debating with leftists, I find it fun to gaslight them into making sense of their ideology.

A few months ago there was a shooter that tried identifying as non binary to get a reduced sentence and the LGBT hated it.

This re surged after the Tennessee shooting and I just threw: Why would you be LGBT? It's horrible and you get a target on your back from hate groups just for being true to yourself in public. If anything, use white privilege to avoid charges.

I'm getting updoots lol

Anyone got a good source or can explain to me the situation in Israel? I hear some cry it's the return of the Patriarchy, is it that Israel is getting a more conservative administration?

Callback to the time I was playing FAITH: The Unholy Trinity, happily going for the 2nd boss of the last chapter, then this bitch appeared out of the blue and proceeded to be the most effective scare I've had in a horror game for the year.

Picture unrelated

I got around to trying the archinstall module to setup Archlinux on my Oryx Pro 6 and it did wonders. No need for me to go back to installation guides in the wiki and on Youtube now.

I also put my /home folder into its own partition, in case I need a nuke button without backing up my hefty /home folder.

I was even able to install the Nvidia proprietary drivers for the embedded RTX 2060 mobile. I am a happy.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.