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When comes the Times to rebuild from the ashes left from the desolate progressive lands, I would pay for a rewritten version of "Never Again" by Disturbed to become our new Hymn. This song slaps:

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@Wopu Enjoy magnesium. It will turn your bowels into a clearing house.

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Nvm I just had a tenacious stool but it got out. I'm not clinically constipated and won't be able to sue Big Pharma for induced bowel slowdowns...

The silver lining is my body is fine, and I feel relieved.

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I'm having dry stools and can't shit since Sunday morning. I'm exercising everyday, drink 1.5 liters of water a day, and meals are not short on vegetables.

I'll see if changing my diet will help, and go for a medical laxative last resort.

It'd be funny if the Pfizer shots ended up claiming my bowels but with 8 pages of literal walls of texts of secondary effects I wouldn't be surprised if "turning your turds into Adamantium" is in the catalog lmao

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Women‘s writing ability doesn’t extend beyond a self insert.

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And the movie itself:

I'm not using Invidious links because they deserve your view.

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For the love of Fuck, if you have 2 hours of spare time, there is an incredible full length movie done in Source Film Maker (SFM) called "Emesis Blue".

An animated Horror Thriller that manages to keep me on edge the whole duration of the plot, and relies on ZERO jumpscares to scare you.

Here is a "teaser" so you can get familiar with the theme:

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>UPDATED 3/9/2023

Alright, I'm gonna spill my secrets on how I got this AI thing to work with only the CPU.
Before you go any further, I recommend you do this on a PC / server you're not actively using. If you're poor, and only have one computer you do everything with, you can follow the cputard guide here so you can at least get something that works:
Or you can dual boot and follow the rest of this guide on a separate linux partition. I only say all of this because I don't like shitting up my main desktop, and considering how memory intensive this all is, you wouldn't want a whole GUI running beside it too.

You're gonna need docker with docker-compose, a pretty good CPU (you have one of those right?) and lots of RAM. The memory thing is no joke, like this thing will hog up like 3-4 chrome tabs worth of RAM which means 8gb won't cut it. You'll want 16gb and above or else you'll be stuck in swap hell where you can't do jack shit.

Got docker running? Perfect, now clone this git repo:
git clone
once cloned, cd into the folder and follow the setup guide here

You can find the links for the waifu generator models here:
And plenty of models here:
My personal favorites are anything-v4.0 and pastel-mix. Also any model on hugging face can be downloaded with curl or wget (just open the model repo, click the model, right click the "download" hyperlink and copy it for your terminal).

put the .ckpt file you want in data/StableDiffusion/

and bring up the AI and the UI with:

docker compose --profile auto-cpu up --build

It takes a few minutes but once its up you can connect to the webui over your LAN using

Enjoy your anime waifus. No I will not answer your question about the weird error you got (its probably your fault anyways). If I missed anything in this post TOUGH SHIT SORRY BUDDY (ok just reply to this and I'll edit the post with the correct info).

Huge thanks to @skylar @mkultra and @fluffy for the prompts and pointers when I started out. If I missed anyone else, thank you as well!
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Man, it took me a whole hour to mentally do basic (pointer) arithmetic...

I couldn't for the life of me figure out the free space condition. A page later there is the definition of a function that gives you the length of a str variable then it hit me:

Storage allocation uses a Stack. allocp points to the first element of allocbuf, which is last object inserted. In effect, free space is ALLOCSIZE - (allocp - allocbuff) HENCE the fit condition.
To free pointer p, the condition is to be in allocp

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.