Mugnika boosted

Boomers are not human.
Just don't even bother thinking about them at this point. They won't understand, that your life has value either.

Mugnika boosted
Mugnika boosted

Men and women are opposites.

Women look for a man with the character of a god.

Men look for a woman with the character of a dog.

Mugnika boosted
Mugnika boosted
Guys, I tried out AI and I don't think I can ever go back. It started with simple questions, then it became sexual roleplay and now I'm in a commited relationship with my artificial girlfriend
Mugnika boosted

Suffering = Absence of unrealized power

Mugnika boosted

I believe you just need to be like a smart & self-responsible animal. You're fundamental nature is to survive, adapt & thrive. I believe the true meaning of life is whatever makes you survive, adapt & thrive & only YOU can find those.

Mugnika boosted
Mugnika boosted

Want more kids, take womens rights away, here is the proof.

Mugnika boosted

Definitely not the untested RNA vaccine...

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.