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Wopu boosted
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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted


Imagine being a raging homosexual and not use uwufetch as your default system info displayer.

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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted

Youtube fact checkers have a few screws loose.

In case there is any doubt about the image:

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Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Wopu boosted
Nearly getting trampled to death today made me nostalgic for Pandemic-Era liminal space ,

having an empty city , empty theatres and empty malls was great (so were the kick backs / gibs , but that's beside the point) .
Wopu boosted

I would like to remind all the permissive license shills here that the reason why the fediverse is cool and hasn't been ruined by a large corporation yet is simply because all of the available implementations of ActivityPub are licensed under the AGPLv3.

Copyleft is the only thing protecting this place at the moment. Think about that when you start a new project.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.