@PinochetsCommieCopter Women get treated well, take it for granted, and carry on screwing things up that they don't understand. You can't win them over as a voting bloc rationally. The only way to "win" the female vote is to control the screens. Zogslop tells them what to think. If we control the means of programming the normies it's trivial to turn women into the most zealous enforcers of our ideals so long as they're presented in a way that flatters their egos. Women as a group are a passive entity, and are an obstacle to us because we tried playing the "reason" game instead of recognizing that mass media technologies in a democratic regime validate themselves, the masses are slaves to the ideological framework the screens spoonfeed them. Hitler was the one rightwing political figure to really embrace the power of modern media to control the masses. Most others recoiled from such ideas of control, despite the fact that a certain level of social control over the normies is needed, and women are the normiest of normies.

@ArdainianRight @PinochetsCommieCopter
Or you simply remove their political rights and it doesn't matter what they think at all. The Taliban has shown the solution to the world already.

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