There's no turning back. The world will move on, these women will be obsolete (their bloodline will disappear) and men will simply replace their function with sex robots ad artificial wombs.

With artificial gestation, there's no reason to ever create another human female again. Feminism is a extinction level event that will change humanity forever to being a male-only species.

@sickburnbro @Zeb Human life is created between two people in the act of making love. No exceptions.

@UnityOstara @sickburnbro
There are way too many single mothers for that to be true.

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@Zeb @sickburnbro I was born from a single mother. Thank God my Grandparents took care of me. We come into life screaming and covered in blood and I have no qualms about leaving it the same.

@UnityOstara @sickburnbro
I'm glad you had your grandparents to take care of you. Most children don't get that blessing anymore :(
They are the sole source of income for those women after all...

@Zeb @sickburnbro My German grandparents were not pleased with me having a Slav father but I was born blonde and blue eyed so they got over it.
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