This has gone several ways
- Russian revolution style, all dissenters are flushed and destroyed
- Spanish Civil War style, incompetence but eventual unity with insanity regined in at high cost
- German November revolution style, where moderate left breaks off for a fairly crushing defeat
I don't think the former is going to happen, mostly because I think the russian revolution was because at that point communism was seen as a new and untried thing and the elites were very excited about the promise of what could happen for Russia.

Spanish Civil War is what has seemed most likely because the left is importing their supporters, but doesn't match fully.

But with the unrealized tax plan being reinforced, I think that has a possibility to unseat more newly rich people that don't have money squirreled away in trusts and such. People that have a large amount of their money in stock but are below the threshold are likely to be very worried.

This combined with Zuck saying that he was forced to remove content by the government is interesting because not that the republicans will do shit about it, but iirc a lot of these things were initially about "radical openness" and it feels like this goes against that ethos. Add that and the tax stuff to a lot of the people that have a lot of money in stock from meta, google, etc ..
Every new tax is introduced "to soak the rich". And shortly after that it gets applied to everyone.

The income tax was originally 3% on incomes over $800. Most people back then were farmers growing their own food, without much cash income. So the income tax was originally introduced as targeting the rich.

Today the majority of everyone's income goes to various taxes and fees - except for the rich. Because the rich can afford complicated schemes to minimize what they pay. Reminder, in an honest moment Buffet said his secretary pays more taxes than him...

In other words, if they introduce this unrealized gains tax the actual rich will flee and hide their assets, and everybody else's house etc will be stripped to pay gibs to non-Whites.

@BroDrillard @sickburnbro
"Complicated scheme": operate companies from other countries.

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