it is cruel, but necessary - it shows they aren't mistaken, but just evil.

@sickburnbro The mistake is feminism.

If whites didn't have it, men would be in command of the country and they would never allow immigrants in to come take their children's home away because they would not need anyone to support the massive welfare state that women voted in.
Plus, their birth rate would be so high they would be conquering everyone now.

@Zeb the mistake then obviously has to be whatever lead to men thinking feminism was a good idea though, no?

@sickburnbro Agree. The belief in equality from christianity plus the unending corruption of jewish propaganda are the root cause of the problem.
I wish the holocaust was real and germany had won the world wars, we would have colonized the entire sol system by now.

@Zeb Christianity doesn't believe in equality; that is a false reading. The only one who makes people equal is the Lord. But there wasn't a ton of jewish propaganda in the US in the 1870s.

But you know what was a lot of at that time? Abolitionist who needed a new cause.
@sickburnbro @Zeb Christian Religion: support strong hierarchies for 1,500 years

Atheists today: We get all this equality nonsense from the Christians
@Sulla_Felix @Zeb I don't blame atheists on this; this is what the culture tells people, christian and atheist right now.
Feminism was created to destroy White women. A destructive ideology.
@DMA @Zeb no, worse. it was created to destroy the white family.
Yes. But if marriage never happens. No family only fan women left. I say burn all of the books and those who support the institution.
@DMA @Zeb ah, don't worry, our culture has spend the last 30 years saying how great single mothers are and dumping tons of aid on them.
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