@319de22c22e55b1c4a0ba9d0882342cc1e1a59eeba4f473ecaa1e02a17790fb2 @gucciloafers There he sits coldly contemplating what he is doing with his life. In the breakroom, staring at a "pizza" that is the size of an eggo waffle; his reward for corporate loyalty. The other employees gather round to photograph his misery. As his hands grip the plate he imagines they were gripping a pistol instead.

@Jim @319de22c22e55b1c4a0ba9d0882342cc1e1a59eeba4f473ecaa1e02a17790fb2 @gucciloafers
In another life he could be celebrating his birthday with friends and family. Now he is "celebrating" with his "corporate friends and family".

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