@dander This is what has to happen to all the normies who got the boosters.

@MaouYumisu you know people around you , who have been deaded ?

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@dander i've heard of people in my family - normies - who have been deaded by taking the jab or died from Covid. Do I care, no. They're normie conformists with insufferable lives.
@MaouYumisu @dander when did they get the jab and how long did it take for them to die?
@ninja8tyu @dander They took the jab the moment the job required them from what I recall back in 2021-22 and since these friends aren't minimalists with kids, it took one of them only a year and two months for them to die from the blood clots. And given I don't even bother to know any of my family's friends due to a lack of care, i'm indifferent.
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