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@Pain66 - I think the Internet is full of miscommunications.

It could be happening, but I haven't seen any normies pretending to be incels. Likely what's happening, is that normies are being called incels, and are removing the power of the insult by freely adopting the label.

I took much the same approach myself, back when "weeaboo" was being thrown around as an unironic insult. 🤔 I would go on about weeb pride, and weeb4life... because fuck'em. Their words won't hurt me if I don't allow it.😎🍻

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make sure to visit more than once. i find that the first weekend-long visit usually leaves a positive impression which sours on subsequent visits. same as how the first time with a girl is amazing but eventually we learn women are trash.
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@ButtWorldsMan Based Belgium. Imagine trying to pay for it, and she refuses because you're too ugly. Lady, why do you think the guy is offering to pay?

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@leespringfield1903 @Shlomo this is what not having the american public schooling system does to people
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