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@freepatriot Democrat here, but not much longer. Probably switching to Libertarian or Independent. Can't really vote for Democrats, can't stand with the Democratic party because they haven't been working for us for the last 30+ years anyhow. Voted for Trump, so did other Democrats.

@lnx @freepatriot

> the Jews killed Jesus

Just like Thanos deleted half the sentient beings in the universe. 🤣
@freepatriot >Now, Faten Odeh, executive director for the group against this bill, explains why they’re against it.

>Odeh is a member of the Council on American Islamic Relations

are we really having CAIR of all people fighting these battles for us?

why are these foreign mud people having a war in my country
(((They're))) doing it by the books. Same exact blueprint.
We have to start challenging these laws in court. If we continue to tolerate this, the USA will be Bolshevik Russia 1917 in no time at all.

Look up the antisemitism laws of Bolshevik Russia to see what is happening.

@freepatriot my state was socialist when admitted to the union in 1907.

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