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No one hates morality more than Americans do.

No one hates morality more than Americans do.

Strange how Americans are quick to shoot up schools and movie theaters, but no one attacks politicians, police stations, city halls, or courthouses.

It's banned because we don't want to hear people continually tell us about how Elon Musk could build a rocketship out of hemp.
Weed is banned because potheads are the most insufferable drug addict. At least fent addicts kill themselves, meth hears are thin, and alcoholics keep Americas blue collar work force running.
Potheads really do make weed their entire personality dont they?
And meth addicts don't use meth shampoo or meth toothpaste, they don't wear meth clothes, and I don't have to hear about George Washington's meth lab. 😒
I know this one is a strech because they would have to leave their couch. But what would a pothead, pilot, vegan, who does crossfit start a conversation with?
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