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Americans think that they are rebels because they are immoral and have tattoos, but maybe the elites want Americans to be immoral since immoral people are easier to blackmail and control.

Could there be problems if vaccines are mandatory and drug companies aren't liable for deaths and injuries?

Why pay taxes or buy a business license if the government closes roads and closes businesses?

Commies say Libertarians want everyone to live in the Stone Age, but Libertarians aren't the ones who want to make everything illegal.

Americans used to ridicule the Chinese for being too weak to resist tyranny, but now Americans have found out that they are cowards, too.

serveur masto a bloquer (misogynie, racisme et antisémitisme) 

Je vous invite à bloquer l'instance :
Via le l'autre nazi :

Americans want to have a civil war over homosexuals, abortion, and illegal immigrants, but no one cares that the USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

Americans want to have a civil war over homosexuals, abortion, and illegal immigrants, but no one cares that the USA is a bankrupt warmongering police state.

You can't argue with Nazis and Commies because they don't believe in the issues they support. They only care about control.

@Turdicus @freepatriot If only they would imagine the roles being reversed!!!

Why pay taxes or buy a business license if the government closes roads and closes businesses?

Commies say Libertarians want everyone to live in the Stone Age, but Libertarians aren't the ones who want to make everything illegal.

You can't argue with Nazis and Commies because they don't believe in the issues they support. They only care about control.

@freepatriot yea i mean look how malleable certain groups are who's opinions shift with the wind blown out the asshole of a corporation

Americans think that they are rebels because they are immoral and have tattoos, but maybe the elites want Americans to be immoral since immoral people are easier to blackmail and control.

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