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The Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union were written by patriot revolutionaries.

The Constitution was written by lawyers.
it was founded by revolutionaries so 1A and 2A.
There is no "or else" clause anywhere in the Constitution.

Article 1, Section 8 and the 10th amendment should both have an "or else" clause.

But they don't.

Either that was on purpose or it was a horrible oversight.

Either way, the Constitution does not have an actual, written recourse in it for what to do when the Constitution is just ignored by people in government.
Pretty much.

If the Constitution was supposed to keep evil men from usurping power, then it failed and let those men enslave us.

If the Constitution was supposed to let evil men enslave us then it failed to keep us free.

Either way, the American Experiment in limited government was a failure and it's probably time to try something else.
@WilhelmIII @freepatriot The constitution is supposed to be defended by men with militias. Americans are too fat and scared to form them.


Americans say the collapse of the USA is perfectly acceptable.

@freepatriot I'd settle for them just not protecting those harmful things we want to remove from our civilization from direct justice by the people.. Quit giving special rights and protected status to every form of evil that can be found, ffs.


Not me. I'm Episcopal. Now, the evangelicals are close, IMO, they don't even go to church to worship or get baptized.

Americans are all Satanists now.

Americans don't care if stealing is legal, but Americans lose their minds if a church feeds the homeless.

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