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Wrong. When you move brown people from fucked up countries onto American soil, they magically transform into ideal kantian citizens. Simple as.
Yes. MLK Blvd is a place where everyone shares everything from STDs to needles. Checks out
@UnityOstara @freepatriot @AmonMaritza In Norway in 70s they brought in a lot of Pakistani people you know because pension system wasn't sustainable with demographics. And usually other Europeans won't leave their own countries. But they should have brought in filipinos or something instead in my opinion or people from Thailand as low wage workers to maintain pension system. Much more law abiding and you don't have any problems
@lord_nougat @freepatriot For those not in the know, she is lead singer of Garbage and sung " The World is Not Enough" in a 007 movie.
@lord_nougat @freepatriot Shirley Manson being a liquid terminator was pretty cool too in the Sarah Connor's chronicles!
@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @AmonMaritza @WilhelmIII @Bianca usually the act of killing becomes a priority when you are the one getting killed
This is the best doctrine. It has been misused in just about every case, and no one does shit.
Following a claim of "state secrets privilege", the court rarely conducts an in camera examination of the evidence to evaluate whether there is sufficient cause to support the use of this doctrine. This results in court rulings in which even the judge has not verified the veracity of the assertion.

And there were not further sequels after that.
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