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Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

You know Americans have lost their minds when they look you in the eye and say living in a police state gives you freedom.

You know Americans have lost their minds when they look you in the eye and say living in a police state gives you freedom.

@freepatriot I thought the GOP was anti capitalist decades ago by giving blowjobs to Corporate America and not using anti trust laws.

Americans think Walmart closes churches, Boeing arrest reporters, Nike bans guns, and Burger King tortures people.

We were hating pajeets earlier this year, now we're doing Haitians. It's like this is the year all the browns compete to be the most hateable creatures on Earth. Can it get any worse?
Were at the point where a business coming to a small town is more of a hazard than a benefit.
>"I still have time!" -guy whose time ran out years ago
>guy who sees niggers do heinous shit and can't understand why anyone is racist against them
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