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@admin @freepatriot Oh I know. If it wasn't filled with tards it would be a nice area but it's the most meth infected place I've ever seen.
@RichardKuklinskisIcyGlare @freepatriot This black is just based pilling.

Which makes him not a nigger.

Finally, a black supremacist.

It's time for guillotines, it's time to raise the board.

It's time to sharpen blades, we just can't take this any more.

It's nothing personal, we gave your way a try.

We're sorry, but you at the top all have to die.

If the government can force you to buy insurance, what's to stop them from forcing you to buy snowblowers and boats, too?

If the government can force you to buy insurance, what's to stop them from forcing you to buy snowblowers and boats, too?

It's time for guillotines, it's time to raise the board.

It's time to sharpen blades, we just can't take this any more.

It's nothing personal, we gave your way a try.

We're sorry, but you at the top all have to die.

Americans think that Nazis are opposed to government control.

And give the coyoté, I mean the hero, funneling them across state lines their money, I mean credit.

I’m a libertarian living in Switzerland, and I can assure you this is far from a libertarian paradise.

American libertarians have been moving to NH since 2001 in hopes of turning the whole state libertarian. There is a huge amount of libertarians there. Look up free state project.

I’m a libertarian living in Switzerland, and I can assure you this is far from a libertarian paradise.

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