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The very same Americans who scream that regulations make countries rich are surprised to hear that the Soviet Union was poor.

Maybe the minimum wage should not be eliminated because low wages mean strong families.

Maybe the minimum wage should be eliminated because the minimum wage kills the economy and is anti-freedom.

Americans think that Nazis are opposed to government control.

I'm beginning to think that awakened Americans are the only Whites who suspect that isn't true.

All I know is I have a good thing going with my business. I’m about to be 37. Still single.

Not buying any shit in 2025. Didn’t participate in any holiday festivities, gathering, or functions this year. Big time net positive.

Fuck consumerism. Every month there is some bullshit Holiday to bleed you dry.

I have enough to stay busy 19 hours a day 7 days a week. Work, health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Chores and errands.

Defending freedom today is like trying to move a mountain with a spoon.

Going Galt means doing as John Galt did in the book Atlas Shrugged, which means refusing to allow a rights-violating government to profit from one’s work. This means either going off the grid and being self-sufficient and/or taking as menial job as one can to barely subsist so as to pay as little in taxes as possible.

Going Galt means doing as John Galt did in the book Atlas Shrugged, which means refusing to allow a rights-violating government to profit from one’s work. This means either going off the grid and being self-sufficient and/or taking as menial job as one can to barely subsist so as to pay as little in taxes as possible.

Americans think that Nazis are opposed to government control.

Defending freedom today is like trying to move a mountain with a spoon.

Maybe the minimum wage should not be eliminated because low wages mean strong families.

Maybe the minimum wage should be eliminated because the minimum wage kills the economy and is anti-freedom.

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