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You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when the US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA is a peaceful and free country with a balanced budget.

The best thing about anarchy is you can just start killing all the anarchists, then there's no more anarchy and you're the government.


You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when the US is a bankrupt warmongering police state and Americans look you in the eye and say that the USA is a peaceful and free country with a balanced budget.

Strange how Americans are quick to shoot up schools and movie theaters, but no one attacks politicians, police stations, city halls, or courthouses.

@freepatriot but…they really didnt have the weapons to fight back with.

Strange how Americans are quick to shoot up schools and movie theaters, but no one attacks politicians, police stations, city halls, or courthouses.

Strange how Americans are quick to shoot up schools and movie theaters, but no one attacks politicians, police stations, city halls, or courthouses.

When the elites shut down the Internet and wall off the cities, you will know that the globalists have started liquidating the 99%.

Just look what is happening in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Canada, Germany, Australia, and the Netherlands to see your future.

@freepatriot Same reason as anywhere and anytime in history, weak men and gullible women.

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.