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@freepatriot israel is not freedom. they are fighting for israel
@freepatriot but i needed another box of ammunition to help me both sleep more and less sound at night

Americans work and waste 100% of their income and then complain that they are helpless victims.

Americans seem to think they are free because checkpoints, NSA wiretapping, and TSA groping only happen in other states.

There is no sanity in the USA anymore.

How can you deal with Americans when they look you in the eye and say that the US had TSA groping in 1776?

Americans say that living in a police state today is better than having freedom that might lead to tyranny.

There is no sanity in the USA anymore.

How can you deal with Americans when they look you in the eye and say that the US had TSA groping in 1776?


Sure, they believe. That's why you can't argue with them. They believe too much. They believe in it to the point of fanaticism.

Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

Americans think that they are rebels because they are immoral and have tattoos, but maybe the elites want Americans to be immoral since immoral people are easier to blackmail and control.

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