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@freepatriot is this another move by PM to get competition out of the market, like they did with popcorn lung back in 2019 to get the smaller vape juice makers shit canned

Americans are completely insane now.

Americans scream that there would be no unintended consequences if millionaires were taxed at a higher tax rate.

Americans swear that if toothpicks were banned today then there would be no chance tyranny would increase in the future.

Americans are completely insane now.

Americans scream that there would be no unintended consequences if millionaires were taxed at a higher tax rate.

Americans swear that if toothpicks were banned today then there would be no chance tyranny would increase in the future.

@freepatriot this article pushes the same bullshit fake narrative most government schools do

it was the british threatening to disarm the colonists that set things off

yes, kill the gov over taxes as well, but it was over arms ultimately, and they dont want people knowing that because the fake federals can fall back on 'what you have representation for your taxation, god why are you angry', when really they should be hanged immediately for instituting and reupping the nfa

its always been about arms, thousands of years, its always been about gov vs the people and the gov trying to take the arms from the people so the shit fuck gov doesn't get rightfully murdered

sick of this fallacy about taxes
if you hang enough mother fuckers they wont try to tax us any further but can't do that unarmed


Americans say the
Revolutionary War, the Civil War,
and WWII were not fought for freedom.

@freepatriot americans never fought for freedom. they fought freedom, of other people.

@freepatriot Fixed it :-

Why should anyone fight wars for ((( Government ))) in another nation

When people arnt free in their own ethnic homeland

182 nations signed up to NWO 2030 + Smart Cities + cashless society

@freepatriot your entire country was built on killing and pillaging other countries after all. you had a good run for a while though. but then you screwed it up and here we are.

@freepatriot the only difference between usa and english empire is that the english were colonizers while usa are imperialists. with colonization, the colonies can prosper. with imperialism, only the empire can prosper.

Why should Americans go fight for freedom in Iran when Americans don't have freedom in the USA?

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