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>exploding pagers

I want to outline some of my issues with this story.

First off, it's just a bit theatrical. It doesn't resemble an lithium battery explosion, there isn't any sign from the videos that the people felt it overheating leading up to the explosions, it was sudden and forceful explosions, and it's not like these things had complex processors, they're used specifically because they're low-tech. It makes sense if they were tampered with at the manufacturer, and also explains why a lot of them were set off simultaneously (Hezbollah would ditch them after suspecting they're compromised).

I also don't like how this feeds in to the "almighty jew" way of thinking that is already very prevalent among anti-Israel groups. These videos popped up instantly to leave a big impression, and that's very convenient for feeding in to how all-knowing and all-powerful Big Kike is. They probably want people to think they can blow up any device at any time they want.
if they dont like Third Reich music and speaches , they dont have to listen.. simple as
@iwetoddid @freepatriot >nooo you have to eat the cancer fake meat nooo you can't ban it, we'll use our kiked out 'law' system to force you to eat it

what in the actual fuck

this is the shit that leads to sub humans being justifiably gassed and then the context is lost and its just book sales bonanza for the fake survivors and various others losers that slither into positions of power
@freepatriot I tried to spread freedom on my morning toast but I didn't let the freedom warm up first so it just sort of stuck to the knife. That's when I knew America was over, man.
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