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I don't wish to be an individual. I have no desire to sever ties with 10 generations of native Texans who came before me.

Individualism is for slaves.


Liberty will die to thundering applause because the left is stupid. 🤦‍♂️

Whites get rule of law and none of the protection of law.


A copy of a Certified State Ratifying copy of the proposed Constitution was found in pristine condition and has been put up for auction.

ABC described it as voted on by only white men.

I suppose this means it should be ignored.

Forget that men were required to provide care for women.
Forget that men were required to care for slaves.

We don't need no stinkin facts

No one under 45 years old will ever know what freedom was and almost everyone under 55 will live to see the end of the USA.

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