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I like that my VPN not only runs with no logging but also has zero info about me. I‘m literally just a number who pays via a gift card bought on Amazon. No email, no credit card.


Americans think North America was uninhabited in 1491.

I have recently acquired a cast iron skillet pan, and it
makes a pleasant ringing sound when it comes into contact with my tongs while I'm flipping my vegetables.

Well, at least it is pleasant to me.

I have recently acquired a cast iron skillet pan, and it
makes a pleasant ringing sound when it comes into contact with my tongs while I'm flipping my vegetables.

Well, at least it is pleasant to me.

Americans shrug if hats are banned, but Americans lose their minds if belts are still legal.

Americans shrug if hats are banned, but Americans lose their minds if belts are still legal.

@freepatriot Detail in this is on the level of saying that scalar CPUs have scales in them.
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