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Americans are completely retarded now.

You know that you live in the Twilight Zone when Americans look you in the eye and say tyranny is wonderful.

You know Americans have lost their minds when Americans say no Germans died during WWII.

@Humpleupagus @freepatriot @a96a35a224402b8075c4da20f0477896afcc3395b6fad63e30a648a8222a6a69 @MCMLXVIIOTG

Yes the helples jooz are victims. They never did anything wrong. Like devastating all of china with opium. Or starting 2 world wars. They were just used by the evil whites.

The Balfour declaration is just evil antisemitism. Israel is our greatest ally.

Russian people became rich and free after the Marxist revolution. No one starved to death and no one was randomly executed.

Tyranny leads to crime.

Your life is over.

In police states, you no longer have the freedom to go to Miami, get married, get a haircut, and go to college because everything is closed and you're not allowed to go outside.

Living in a police state gives a you new kind of freedom because you can think out of the box, however.

Now Americans might wonder how to get a fake ID, drain welfare, where to buy boats, how to escape into the woods, buy guns, and attack police checkpoints.

@EvolLove @MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus @freepatriot @a96a35a224402b8075c4da20f0477896afcc3395b6fad63e30a648a8222a6a69 Just look at where their wealth comes from. Ashkenazi wealth came from several centuries of what was in effect, a Royal approved economic monopoly that ruthlessly squeezed the peasants of eastern europe and kept them in poverty.

That wealth was then shipped over to the UK and the USA and used to leverage their way into power. When Jews came, they would come as a congregation. They would send an agent over who would buy some flats, a mill or shops and then the entire congregation would move in. They would have a place to live, a community to help and jobs. Jews who arrived later would already have an entire network set up to benefit them.

This is very different from the German, English and others who really did come with very little and built up farms and towns from nothing.

The idea of the desperate poverty stricken Jew in rags cleaning the homes of the Gentiles is bullshit.
@EvolLove @MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus @freepatriot @a96a35a224402b8075c4da20f0477896afcc3395b6fad63e30a648a8222a6a69 There’s something to be said for not having a negative identity with Jews like blacks have with Whites, but it seems like most of the people who bring that up want Whites to ignore the fact that Jews are trying to kill them.

Maybe no one trust cops anymore because the Stasi have decided to work for the elites now instead of respecting the Bill of Rights.

Oh we're gonna do something, alright. You won't like it.
@Deplorable_Degenerate @freepatriot Everybody has “off” days at least once in a while. Whole (((industries))) exist to position slick operators wherever they find these men at their lowest; to exploit them in sundry ways sinking their teeth in with maximum penetration. It’s all quite symbolic of the ever-raging spiritual warfare with which we’re ever-senselessly inundated. Sad to see it progress so far.
@KingOfWhiteAmerica @freepatriot This is where I disagree with my Libertarian fren, we've ironically got the inverse view on this, he's of the mind of something like NS would be subverted by jews and reds, but so would his ideal near indipendant community model for just the reason you mention, and NS could be built to keep them out for a VERY long time.
@freepatriot That's a great idea! I'll move to a small White town in Ohio.

Oops, jews just dumped 20k cannibal Haitians in my small White town.

History has been far more merciful to your people than justice demands. The future will not be so kind.

This Time the World.
@freepatriot My Great-Grandfather in life was a creative, hard-working, nose-to-the-grindstone sort of guy. He grew up in a small-townish society, wherein everyone knew almost all their neighbors and identified with them. He’d hand you his wallet if you needed his help. These were the sorts of communities that actually subdued the American landmass, transforming it from forbidding frontierlands into bustling towns.
It’s these decent, high-trust sorts of folks that are especially vulnerable to jewish con-artistry. Now, I’m not saying they are totally gullible fools; but there were always enough that just happened to be, on certain days over the year. So career-criminal grifter types could gradually edge their way into these high-trust societies and accumulate power over time.
Just like how the memes of feather-Indians’ sardonic jabs at anti-immigration working-class Whites essentially prove their target is right after all, your comparison to black victimhoood narratives demonstrate the Whites’ essential justification against international jewry. I remember quite well how things were before, and am now dealing with the aftermath of them attaining political power. I’d really rather things be as they were.

@MCMLXVIIOTG @Humpleupagus @freepatriot @a96a35a224402b8075c4da20f0477896afcc3395b6fad63e30a648a8222a6a69

Intereseting how this Dickipedia links describes all these things as if they just happened, for no reason at all. The Jews were just magically put in position of money lending, banking and influence and power... Unironically no connection at all.

And then after they assisted the political class to oppress and kill their opposition, they were tried, convicted, and put to death for no reason at all.
Watching it happen in real time in Oklahoma with the sudden influx of Californians, many of whom are jewish. Not that there weren't jews here before, but I'd never actually met a full blooded one in person until the 21st century.
"Hey kids want to know why coins have ridges, rims and patterns along the edges?"
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