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Americans insist that they live in a free country and just shrug when they are given overwhelming proof that the US is a police state.


Americans say the Soviet Union was a huge success.

Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

The boxcars won't even be needed because Americans are so enslaved now that Americans will drive themselves to the concentration camps.

You know the USA is doomed when Americans don't support quotes from the founding fathers.

Those who defend immorality, tyranny, debt, and war sound like Satanists.

I would have the government find the perps, trial, and death.

Any other answer is wrong.
@freepatriot In the UK, there's no shortage of people who love to tell other people what they should and shouldn't do. They see themselves as saviours of the proles and think it's because they're kind and showing empathy. They always have that slightly exasperated tone of being disappointed that other people can't just do as they're told. After all, without their privileged insight, how would ordinary people know what to do?
Bossy-knickers hall monitors.

Those who say that the USA had TSA groping in 1776 are liars.

Those who say the US is a free country now are not telling the truth.

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