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Tyranny didn't work out too well for the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia so why are Americans embracing it?

Americans shrug if the USA is a police state, but Americans lose their minds if Biden wears a green tie.

Throw out all the rules. Just let all nations go Buck Shit Fucking Wild and let the ashes settle where they may. Im not getting any younger.


1. spiritually bankrupt
2. morally bankrupt
3. fiscally bankrupt

Americans say that they enjoy being groped by TSA agents, but what do you think when your wife and kids are molested by the TSA?

Americans love being wiretapped by the NSA, but how would you feel if you owned a successful auto parts store and NSA agents wiretapped your phone and found out your profit margin by viewing your bank accounts and then bought the building next door so that they could become your competitor?

Americans say that they enjoy being groped by TSA agents, but what do you think when your wife and kids are molested by the TSA?

Americans love being wiretapped by the NSA, but how would you feel if you owned a successful auto parts store and NSA agents wiretapped your phone and found out your profit margin by viewing your bank accounts and then bought the building next door so that they could become your competitor?

Brilliant! No more prisons. Bring back banishment! We need a more federated world.
The rapist never pissed while standing up again, if you know what I mean.

The Epstein flight list members, though...
Was there anything actually preventing the rapist from just raping more people anyway?
State bureaucrats organise prisons exactly as the want them to be.

And after a few years of acculturation at a similar yearly cost to a high-end university, the cons get let out again.


Prison is a great means to an end, if your desired end is cushy-jobs-for-sadists, and more and worse criminals.
Idk man, pretty hard to rape children in prison.

Also, don't remind me how terrible the state is at organizing prisons. I'm disappointed enough in the government as-is.
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