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@GhostLiberator @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle

Garbage in, garbage out. Try joining a book club that has more than one book in it's selection.

@toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

Having studied philosophy and holy writ for over 40 years, I can state confidently that you are blowing hot air out your fart vent. You speak evil of things your pea brain can't comprehend, because you are proud, and your pride blinds you to the truth.

God IS punishing Christian civilization for its demonic lies and idolatry. Christian civilization deserves to be ruled by trannies and faggots. God let them loose.

@JooKuxKlan @toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator >The Jews are not the cause of Christian Zionism
Who bankrolled Scofield Reference Bible publication? Dispensationalism is a movement that jews funded heavily for their benefit. Split hairs on whether they all share collective guilt for the sins of their most vile, but they have ethnic and cultural codes about not harming other jews. I have little problem with "deli jews", but they still benefit from sodomy jews, war jews, and finance jews directly and indirectly.
@JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

Christian Zionists were the originals, which started among Calvanists etc in the 16th century in an effort to bring about the end times and the rapture by engineering a takeover of the fictional Jewish homeland, ultimately culminating in converting Jews to Christinanity. Jews didn't latch onto the idea until 3 centuries later, notwitthstanding that last part.

> God swore to send strong delusion upon nations that reject him.

The fact that it says so in that fuckwit pseudohistorical fantasy novel is hardly evidence of anything, nor are the voices in your head. That entire body of literature is mostly bastardised misunderstood plagiarism from Pagan philosophies and myths. Abrahamic superstitions are the equivalent of a Star Trek Pakled mockery of real religion.
@GhostLiberator @toiletpaper @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner I wish they'd earnestly convert. Many have, but Christ said they wouldn't all even though He forgave them for crucifying Him while dying at their hands.

@toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

Christian Zionists are insane. You have no quarrel from me on that one.

Are you blaming Christian Zionism on the Jews? Christian Zionism is a curse from God.

The Jews are not the cause. The fact that Western Christians have rejected Christ for their false religious sects is the cause. God swore to send strong delusion upon nations that reject him.

Just using the word, "Christian" does not put a man right with God.

@JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

40 years of ``studying`` hasn't absolved you of being a gullible twat who worships the God of the Jews, the ancestors of the Jews, and the holy narrative of the Jews, while claiming Jews are the problem out the other side of your mouth. Call me all the names you like bud, but you're objectively dumb as a steaming turd.

@BowsacNoodle @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator @toiletpaper

Dispensationalism was cooked up by Roman Catholics, not Jews.


Every time the Roman Catholics instigate a crime, the prop up a Jewish patsy.

Dispensationalism is just another branch of Catholicism. It is part of their anti-protestant, counter-reformation campaign.

The Catholics are going to prop up a Catholic savior for western 'civilization' and the white nationalist suckers are falling for it.

@toiletpaper @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator

You need more than memes and one liners for serious discussion. This isn't a 4th grade locker room pecker check ceremony.

@GhostLiberator @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @BowsacNoodle

The entire Abrahamic mass delusion needs to be immolated in entirety for the liberty and security of the rest of the human species and life on Earth.
@BowsacNoodle @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @eriner @GhostLiberator

Meanwhile arguably only one of those things "atheists" isn't just a schism broken off Abrahamic superstition... Not really allies in my opinion. The biggest enemies of Christians in history is actually other Christians who have a marginally different theological concept (eg. Satanists).
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