You couldn't recognise a real God if your life depended on it. In fact your entire holy book is like a steaming pile of shit with some icing sugar sprinkled on top being passed off as delicious chocolate cake. Gobble that 💩 up bud.
He's either a feather Indian working on his first bottle of fire water, or one of those 95% White "Native American" retards working on his second. Lol.
Politically, the election of Trump, against the will of the Elite, the Deep State, and the Establishment came as a huge surprise to me. I suspected they’d succeed in stealing the election.
It's not fear. If you understood the meaning of that verse I quoted from your own fantasy novel, you'd know better than to think that. Particularly in light of the history of your delusional cult of genocidal superstitions' relationship with other actual religions.