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@Captain80s @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets

> Jesus fake.

I think you mean to say Joshua. Jesus is a bastardised spelling of Ieso, the daughter of Aesculapius.

> This street shitting gawd real. It is pagan after all. Maybe this poo gawd is yours.

Says the guy who presumably considers himself an Aryan.

You couldn't recognise a real God if your life depended on it. In fact your entire holy book is like a steaming pile of shit with some icing sugar sprinkled on top being passed off as delicious chocolate cake. Gobble that 💩 up bud.
@Captain80s @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets @toiletpaper Unironically a good chunk of the pajeet gods are Aryan ones, The whole invasion resulted in a mishmash of the religions with the Aryan ones at the top, not sure which are which though, IK their fire god is one and he's Loki, as there's a fair bit of crossover of the various Pagan faiths.
From his timeline page:

"Petun, Wendat, Haudenosaunee and Anishnaabe..."

He's either a feather Indian working on his first bottle of fire water, or one of those 95% White "Native American" retards working on his second. Lol.

Politically, the election of Trump, against the will of the Elite, the Deep State, and the Establishment came as a huge surprise to me. I suspected they’d succeed in stealing the election.

Look at his profile pic. Satan owns this douche whether he knows it or not. Every word typed by his girly fingers proves it.
@Captain80s @JooKuxKlan @freepatriot @zeke @eriner @BowsacNoodle @GhostLiberator @HarryNuggets

It's not fear. If you understood the meaning of that verse I quoted from your own fantasy novel, you'd know better than to think that. Particularly in light of the history of your delusional cult of genocidal superstitions' relationship with other actual religions.
But none of those faiths are yours because you dont have one. Just bash Christianity.
Must not have a lot of faith in it if you are scared to even mention it.
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