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@freepatriot I am totally fine with this. Businesses, govt offices, great. GTF away from my family and the place I sleep.

Strange how Americans are quick to shoot up schools and movie theaters, but no one attacks politicians, police stations, city halls, or courthouses.

@freepatriot in your house right now you have basic stuff to create mustard gas, timed bombs, and flame throwers . You just havent been shown how.

1. Cat piss and Clorox. Mixed in even small amounts will kill or disable a room full of people from a small plastic coke bottle.

2… some books and learn. It might just save your life.

Since I first wrote my first essay in 1946, all of the more ominous predictions have been

Public employees have been subjected to the indignity of "loyalty" oaths and the
ignominy of loyalty purges. Members of the United States Senate, moving under the
cloak of immunity and the excuse of emergency, have made a joke of justice and a
mockery of privacy.

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A club for red-pilled exiles.