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Americans scream that the US must be a police state because the USA has always been dangerous, but why could the US be a free country in 1999?

Those who say smoking was illegal in 1965 are liars.

Americans scream that the US must be a police state because the USA has always been dangerous, but why could the US be a free country in 1999?

There is no sanity in the USA anymore.

How can you deal with Americans when they look you in the eye and say that the US had TSA groping in 1776?

Bad news bro -- the president always had that ability.

Just ask Obama -- or for that matter, Lincoln.

Americans scream anyone who post articles about government abuse is protecting the government.

Americans scream anyone who post articles about government abuse is protecting the government.

Tyranny didn't work out too well for the USSR, Nazi Germany, and Cambodia so why are Americans embracing it?

Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans scream that there's nothing wrong with Trump paying taxes to China if Biden did, too.

Americans think being groped by the TSA is just fine if Muslims are, too.

Americans say tyranny is wonderful if North Korea is a police state, too.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.