@deprecated_ii remembered by whom? such ambiguous and nebulous questions are fertile ground for lies and heresies to creep into one's mind for good, a good charlatan or manipulator would love you in this exact mental position. The teachings of the historical and traditional Church going back two thousand years protects souls from such satanic nihilist attacks


A Question of Telos

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

The world may not know them, but even then the Church remembers them on All Saints Day.


"This day has been designated as a commemoration of all of the Saints, all the Righteous, the Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors, Shepherds, Teachers, and Holy Monastics, both men and women alike, known and unknown, who have been added to the choirs of the Saints and shall be added, from the time of Adam until the end of the world, who have been perfected in piety and have glorified God by their holy lives."



And this is just for the Saints. But there's something on the line, regardless whether one is a Saint or not.

It suits Satan to think of yourself as inherently worthless—only able to acquire worth by external means like money, recognition, or status—for this opens the door for compromise, paving the way for him to acquire and crush your soul, which is the true Prize.

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