
@coolboymew Where are you finding these from?

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@kaede_waifu from wallpaper engine steam's workshop. KDE plugin to make wallpaper engine stuff works on KDE
@coolboymew @kaede_waifu which distro? I'm looking to main Arch in the future, already working towards converting my media server to same from Win10
@coolboymew @kaede_waifu because I've had nothing but problems whenever I need something up to date on Debian derived distributions, which is why I want a rolling release distro like Arch, Artix, or Manjaro instead. At least then I don't have to worry about old, abandoned, out of support versions of software being considered the distro's mainline version.

@coolboymew Cool, I have just begun playing around with Mint Linux and have been impressed so far. Will see how easy it can work with that tonight perhaps :)

@kaede_waifu apparently you can just add the plugin from the wallpaper part of KDE, from the built in plugin search and it should handle everything for you. It didn't for me. In that case, check the github and follow the instructions for dependencies and compile it
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