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On a totally different note, here is Ikumi Mito aka "Meat Meat" from the anime "Food Wars" - family friendly but sprinkled with enough big anime titty action to keep it fun.

"We know this and the Russians know we know this."
An interesting video on US v Russians nuclear early warning capabilities.

Speaking of insufferable women, here's a screen shot from RGEs (Raging Golden Eagle) show awhile back.

Man or Bear. I didn't know this was a thing until recently. Just like drizzle drizzle.

I did a quick search and found Youtuber and cathedral cocksucker, Ryan Macbeth, attempt to smear and discredit Pepe Escobar as a Russian propagandist. He’s so transparent.

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This sums up how France wound up getting their shit pushed in by Russian artillery

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.