Even mild resistance is met with extreme force.

There's not peaceful way out of this for either Europe or America.


The more they bully, the more they reveal their weakness.

We can vote our way out with the right candidates.

I hate democracy with the passion of a thousand suns, but we should use what we have before rolling the dice on violence.
@amerika @mutageno2 One day you're going realize that it's easier to just stop hitting yourself.
@mar77i @mutageno2

Things are bungled now, but we can see what the bungles are, so we just have to... stop doing that stuff.

And remove the people who like it.
@amerika @mutageno2 That's an incredibly backwards justification to like the vote.

But you do you!
@mar77i @mutageno2

I do not like the vote, but we have a practical task before us: end the bungle.

@amerika @mar77i

Most people are far from being ready to risk their lives. We shouldn’t jump gun, but we have to prepare. Be careful. I think a lot of men will come around when SHTF.

@mutageno2 @mar77i

I think we are at such a crucial point that any further deception is going to push this place into civil war.

But first, elections across the West are turning toward the Right.

If the Right does not bungle this, we can begin the long process of fixing, remigration, and rebuilding.

@amerika @mar77i

All the right wing parties I see are big time Zionists. See to believe.

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@mutageno2 @mar77i

Zionists are just Jewish ethnonationalists.

What most people call "Zionism" is egalitarianism, which always punishes the good to reward the mediocre.
@amerika @mar77i @mutageno2 Nationalism is a cancel legacy from the Fr3nch.

Localism used to be a better way to deal people interest from residents.

In order for Israel to exist, they need nationalism and pursue the idea of ethnic-religious supremacy, and Arabs hate that principle. Arabs werent massively religious until last decades because western propaganda.

The Ottomans had to be destroyed to make Zionist claims. Ottoman empire wasn't much great, but was multi-ethnic and had religious diversity among the empire.
@waltercool @mar77i @mutageno2

IMHO ethnonationalism is the foundation of civilization.

"Nationalism" was later coined to describe the nation-state, but because of parallel movements in art and culture, became understood as ethno-nationalism.
@amerika @mar77i @mutageno2 It's not. In the past, people used to identify themselves with the tribe or feud they live, usually with loyalty to the king or lord.

The whole concept of "we identify ourselves as" was far modern.

What's a British? What's a Italian? There is no definition to that, it's a social construct created by politicians.

Most countries have their current "nation" concept according to natural borders and language, not by culture or ethnics.

UK, US, Russia and Austrians made their nations to be multi-cultural intentionally because nations are all about expansion and absorbing smaller groups of people.

Public education is fundamental into nationalism. Teaching YOUR language, YOUR morals, YOUR national heroes and love to YOUR flag is needed because they don't come in other way.
@waltercool @mar77i @mutageno2

I disagree entirely. Tribes were both localized and a wider understanding, for example as the ancient Greeks saw it.

Random genetics makes a random society. The third world is mostly mixed-race for a reason!
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