Neofugue boosted

"Public education's primary function is not to teach you about the holohoax or to worship niggers, it's to break you to the yoke."

Exactly. The schoolmarms refused to let me check out a 300 pg book on Manned Spaceflight in 2nd grade, but instead forced me to check out a shitty 12 pg book about unicorn friendship.

That's when I knew as a little boy, that the public schools weren't there for "learning."

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Neofugue boosted

@Charles_in_Charge @SilverDeth @mage @[email protected] @neofugue

If anyone wonders what Andrew Torah’s latest network shattering move looks like, and what it does to people’s profiles to the wider audience:

Neofugue boosted

Whomp whomp
>inb4 da jooos soobberted our pure, most trad wamens.
No, simp fgt. Yid subverted you and your daddy and his daddy, who took bait of equality and wamens empowerment and sending daddy’s lil princess to Uni and letting her have careers so she can be a stunning n brave childless whore boss bitch.
Stfu. Stop whining, get w your based Xtian frens and start forming sharia patrols and btfo holes out of workforce and schools
Like Taliban did

Neofugue boosted
@MeBigbrain Trump winning was an unambigous win for the right. It's why there is a right wing majority on the Supreme Court. If not for that we might be faced with eternal lockdowns and mRNA death shot mandates, gun control and the complete abolition of the 1st Amendment.

In no scenario was Hillary winning good for Whites. Nor was the successful stealing of the 2020 election.

Defeat is defeat and we haven't won anything since 2016, all setbacks for the left since having their origins in that singular event.

When you talk shit about Trump to reduce turnout for him you lobby for your own death in a red concentration camp.
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@judgedread I am the Overton Window.

But for that to work, I have to be bleeding-edge, scare-theNazi-boys tiers of radical.
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Taliban is Right About Women

The opinions of the Taliban on women, will always have more weight, than the opinions of feminists who LARP as “right wingers.”

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Elon Musk has vowed to destroy you people who trooned out his son.

It's a promise.

Congo Aquinas: “You a fat rayciss!”
Jay Dyer: “I’m not fat.”

Based 😂

Remember, agree and amplify or dismissive provocation works not just with women!

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Neofugue boosted


“Below replacement level fertility has more to do with modernity (industrial revolution and its consequences)”

Nope. Below replacement level fertility is caused by female emancipation. Even the slightest emancipation will wreck fertility rates.

Japan became industrialized in the 19th Century during the reign of the Meiji Emperor.
Japanese birthrates didn’t collapse until the United States violently imposed women’s rights on Japan after WWII.


Anna Komnene was a learned scholar and historian as well as a traditional woman.

However, in order to comply with the (((current year))), the shills changed the year of her husband’s birth.

Notice the difference between the Wikipedia archive...

...and the article now...

Him being born in 1082 would mean that he commanded the armies of Constantinople from the crusaders at 15, lol...

Further biographical details here:

Neofugue boosted
Scientific American calls for federal regulation of homeschool families

A leading magazine devoted to science journalism says American homeschoolers are being left behind and that their parents should be investigated and have to pass a background check in order to educate their own children at home.

The justified response to this is liquidating anyone who tries to enforce it.
Neofugue boosted
Niceness isn't a Christian value. It's a McChristian value.

"In post-Christian Western society, the only value ascribed to the Christian faith is “niceness,” contrasting the example of our Lord Jesus Christ as demonstrated by the parable of the wicked husbandmen. Speaking in the temple to the high priests, scribes, and elders, Christ told them the parable: there was a Landowner who planted a vineyard with a wine press, a tower, and hedges around it, and lent it out to husbandmen. When the season of fruit drew near, He sent His servants, only for the husbandmen to beat one, kill another, and stone another. Again, He sent out more servants, only for the wicked husbandmen to do the same. At last, He sent them His only Son, but when the husbandmen saw the Son, they killed Him for His inheritance. Having told the parable, the Savior asked them, “When, therefore, the Owner of the vineyard comes, what will He do to those husbandmen?” “They say unto him, He will miserably destroy those wicked men,...

We can all guess who those wicked vinedresser husbandmen are, ((())).

"...In the parable of the wicked husbandmen, Christ tells the Jews that they are straying from the path of God, and that if they do not accept Him, the Kingdom of God will be taken from them and they will be destroyed. To be like Christ, therefore, is not to be “nice,” for to be "nice" is to be of this world. To be like Christ is to take up the Cross and follow Him, though there will be many who hateth you for it. To warn those who turn away from God to either repent or be destroyed; it is love."

More here at the link:

Well, look who’s back?

Sadly, while I am not a painter like the Austrian fellow referenced in the movie, I do appreciate the musical arts as did Heydrich and Funk.

Effortpoasts will be linked here from Gab, as word count here is limited.

Any and all griefers who post directly to my account in bad faith, or those who post in an attempt to have me defederated from Merovingian Club, will be blocked immediately and without reservation.

I look forward to posting here!

Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.