@StarProphet @neofugue @neofugue With all due respect, I do not think that the main problem with Jim of Jim’s Blog is his crypto sales pitches, though his pitch is wrong. The key problem with Jim is that he is a degenerate Epicurean Pagan philosopher advocating for a dishonest variant of Christianity in order to defeat an existential threat to the survival of the West without recognizing the racial element of said enemy or the need to justify why saving the West is right in the first place.
Here is Jim’s Blog’s way to purchase KYC Bitcoin, which was in his comments section:
1. Open a bank account which allows for transfers between a KYC Crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini, Cex . io, et cetera.
2. Transfer capital from that bank account to your account on the KYC exchange.
3. Purchase KYC crypto after paying all necessary fees.
4. Create a crypto wallet from crypto wallet software from Electrum, Luno, Exodus, et. cetera (wallet #1)
5. Tranfer crypto to the crypto wallet.
6. Transfer KYC crypto to a non-KYC exchange such as Bisq (Bisq account #1).
7. Purchase Monero after paying fees because Monero is untraceable.
8. Transfer Monero to second wallet (wallet #2) (you can help Andrew Anglin after this step as he is a staunch advocate of Monero, but it would be best if you bought Monero at step 3 to avoid extra fees).
9. Transfer Monero to Bisq after creating a second account (Bisq account #2).
10. Purhcase non-KYC Bitcoin from second account after paying fees.
11. Send theoretically untraceable Bitcoin to your final wallet (wallet #3).
Voila, you now have (theoretically untraceable???) non-KYC Bitcoin, YAY!!!
Except for the fact that you initially had to purchase Bitcoin from a KYC account and the government has a permanent record of this because EVERY TRANSACTION you make, every Bitcoin transaction in history, is on the PUBLIC Bitcoin ledger.
So given the fact that according to Jim’s Blog in late 2020-2021 we were going to have USSR 2.0 it would only make sense to have Bitcoin if you were planning on leaving the country as even if you did every single step the regime would still be able to point to your public record of Bitcoin purchasing and if every transaction you made did not add up to zero the government could still find you and torture you to death to have you reveal your third wallet. The supposed benefit of Bitcoin over gold is that because Crypto can be stored on a wallet and secured by a seed, you can have freedom of movement as your money is not restricted by your ability to carry it, as is the case with gold. However, if the government has a public record of your purchasing Bitcoin, this supposed freedom of movement is moot.
The only advantage of having Bitcoin as opposed to gold is if you are in 1917 Russia and you have time to flee before things get worse and you do not have the ability to carry unlimited gold in your suitcase. However, if you are a kulak, you are still dead.
But that’s not his main problem. His problem is that he adopted a race-blind NRx system which failed to take into consideration the racial element of the American elite. Every single prediction Jim has made on politics since 2019 has been proven false.
Now, to give him credit, he does still produce high-quality mostly-ok content like this article:
https://blog.reaction.la/culture/how-to-restore-a-reproductively-successful-society/However, the real problem with Jim is his philosophy—even his "good" essays like the one above is tainted by his degenerate Epicurean Pagan philosophy.
The reason why I do not comment on Jim’s Blog anymore is because I have nothing to add. Before, I thought I could discuss subjects relating to Orthodoxy, but Jim and Alf are wrong because you cannot restore a faith if you yourself do not believe in it, and both of them know that creating a state based on the “Natural Law” of “Gnon” is simply not going to suffice because “Gnon” is not real. My last comment thread on Jim’s Blog was me pointing out that without God, there is no justification for Natural Law if by defecting on your neighbor gives you an immediate genetic advantage at the cost of civilization, order, and advanced society.
In other words, by Natural Law alone, there is nothing wrong with nigger pimp Andrew Tate being a nigger pimp despite the fact that hundreds of engineers (i.e. nerds i.e. people who build civilization) are not going to reproduce.
The reason why Jim has so many Pajeets on his blog is because he runs a Pagan blog and Pajeets are a bunch of demon-worshiping Pagans. Note that while Pakistanis have some of the subhuman traits of the Hindus, they are not as filthy and disgusting as the Hindus despite being of the same Racial stock. You do not find public defecation in Pakistan the way you do in India because the Islamic faith despite its flaws is far more civilized than Hindu demon worship. I still have a comment from one of the Pajeets on Jim’s Blog who I bullycided off the comments section who admitted that he could care less if his people of a lower caste lived in filth and garbage.
Is it any wonder that a blog which asserts that advancement of one’s immediate genetic line is the highest good attracts people from the most disgusting so-called civilization?
In the end, Jim’s Blog fails because Jim is, admittedly, evil. All is NOT fair in love and war. You DO NOT have the right to be evil to gain an advantage against your neighbor. God defines what is good, right and true, not “Natural Law,” and certainly not “Gnon.”