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@wickedcoolstuff Patriarchal authoritarianism has a 5000 year track record, faggotpedotranny feminine democracy... 60 years at most, dating from when niggers were given full political rights in the US.

It took very little time for democracy to run the US into the ground.

Soon men will set this right and women and fags be put back in their places - the kitchen and the bog respectively - forever.
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The Mandate of Heaven doesn’t care about talmudic reasoning.

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@TrevorGoodchild Speaking as someone who has been around and worked with women and girls of all ages in my life, both in my family and outside, I can attest that most girls especially those from good families are born like this.

Remember that all girls are born virgins.

Then at around puberty they get exposed to slut culture (Taylor Swift, Disney, Twilight, etc.) by their friends, teachers, family, (((internet))), community, and they get the metaphorical timer that runs out when they are no longer virgins. When the timer runs out they transform into modern women i.e. feral animals, as modern hookup/dating culture is unnatural, uncivilized, barbaric and soul crushing, especially for young girls.

Until the necessary laws change, your number one priority as a father is to keep your daughters away from school (middle, high, college) and activities where they interact with girls not on the early-marriage-track, which means basically ALL of them minus social activities with the daughters of your close friends. Then your second priority is to find and prepare a man for her to marry when she is of legal age. Admittedly I have no experience with the second priority and anyone who has died long ago, but if you are ruthless enough it should be possible.

Homeschooling makes this path possible with the right amount of networking and subterfuge. If the regime bans homeschooling, however, then it is time to start [VOTING], just like Liam Neeson:

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@plotinus_enjoyer Two main points to consider:

First point is that Saints in the Orthodox Church are saints by their virtue, not because they are infallible and always correct about every little detail. What matters is not what they say, but rather the spirit of what they say and how it fits within the complete total Orthodox system and worldview. So while we may not accept all of Saint Augustine’s theological propositions, we still respect and hold to most of what he said.

Second point is trying to fit Western secular logic into Orthodoxy is the origin of all heresy. Divine simplicity (DS), which is Orthodox, means in this case that we cannot know or understand the Divine Essence. ADS posits that anything we experience from God must be created, but the Orthodox understanding is that we can experience and take part in the real Divine Energies of God.

You comment on Divine Simplicity (DS) being no different from ADS is the inevitable conclusion using secular logic, but in our system we do not do dialectics. Just because Moses saw the Divine Energies and not the Divine Essence does not mean we say Moses did not see God, as the Charlton Heston movie would have you believe. Just because Christ had a human nature and a divine nature does not mean that he was two persons, or that Christ was created, or any other similar heresy.

Distinction does not entail division in our system, so our goal is not about finding a way to fit secular logic and models into our system, our goal is to redefine secular logic from the starting point of Revelation and incorporate it into Christianity. Just because God has a Divine Essence and Energies does not mean we believe He is with “separate parts”—we believe He has Simplicity, we just simply do not and can not under stand the Divine Essence and as such we are not justified in calling them distinct.

TL;DR: stop trying to fit Orthodoxy into secular "logic." There is a reason why we sent all the pagan philosophers into Persia.
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@judgedread You are too kind to the kikes. Kikes are the Mouth of Sauron. Going by Lord of the Rings, here are the races applied to our world:

Whites are an amalgamation of the Elves and Numenorians (ancient Aryans) and the Northmen and Middlemen (pre-Aryan Europeans). Aragorn is a direct descendant of Elros, the brother of Elrond, and the elite of Dol Amroth (elite region of Gondor) such as Imrahil (book, not film) are also part elvish. Aragorn is also one of the last remaining men of Numenor (which is why he has a longer lifespan), and Numenorian blood (though diluted) accounts for why Gondor is the most advanced nation of men in Middle Earth in the Third Age (compare Minas Tirith to Edoras).

The kikes are Dark Numenorians, a once high race that has been deformed both spiritually and physically by their worship of Sauron. In the Simarillion, the Dark Numenorians attempting to achieve immortality by conquering Valinor, the homeland of the elves, can be compared to the kikes attempting to achieve dominion through the extermination of the Aryan bloodline and the White race. The kikes are the Mouth of Sauron, one of the few remaining Dark Numenorians in the Third Age.

The orcs are the Whites twisted by the dark forces complicit in following Sauron’s will. Think the coalition of the fringes, the deviancy of Leftist groups like Antifa, the behavior of modern feral women—these people are animals living a degenerate and disgusting existence. While I am sympathetic to Russia regarding the current war in Ukraine, the Russians were the orcs of World War 2 being sacrificed in the millions (14 million Soviets died in WW2 according to David Glantz, not 8.9 million as officially claimed), and the Soviet Union acted as Mordor against Germany as Gondor. The conscript cannon fodder of the Civil War also were used in this manner, in particular the Irish who did not appreciate being sent to die for niggers.

The wicked men of Middle Earth such as the Easterlings and Haradrim are a slightly less deformed version of the orcs, such as certain groups of progressive Whites (Pacific Northwest, New England, Vermont, Colorado (excluding Massachusetts brahmins, they are Dark Numenorians like the kikes). The Nazgûl fall into this category. Note that before the film retconned the Southrons into Middle Easterners, the Southrons such as the Variags of Khand were originally based on Scandinavians.

There is no direct relation between our world and the Dwarves or Hobbits, though there are some similarities. Whites are warlike unlike Hobbits, and while there are mountain peoples of our race, our mountain people live above ground in the rolling hills and valleys of the mountains, not inside the mountains themselves.

Overall, Tolkien crafted each of the races of Middle Earth based on the characteristics of the ethnicities and castes found in Old Europe. It would be wrong to assume that orcs are niggers, as orcs were initially elves (and they can fight, unlike niggers), and it would also be too charitable to the kikes to assume that they are orcs, as they lack the basic martial honor of orcs to at least fight in battle.

Curtis Yarvin is an idiot for introducing Tolkien into modern political theory in this manner. Kikes are neither elves, nor orcs, they are Dark Numenorians like the Mouth of Sauron, twisted figures from a fallen race, and Aragorn showed us how exactly to deal with these figures (film, though the book version works as well).
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“Christianity actually has to compete and offer something to young men, which every church I've seen is not only incapable of doing but violently opposed to doing.”

The only thing worse than a white knight is a white knight who blames female misbehavior on the Jews:

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@wizardmanperson @judgedread Time for a golf effortpost:

The biggest barrier of entry to golf is understanding not what happens on screen, but rather what happens off screen.

The challenge of golf is to hit a small white ball into a hole hundreds of yards away, and the winner is the one who gets the ball into the hole with the fewest number of shots. In order to achieve this, one must master several technical swings such as driving, approaches, chipping, putting, et cetera over a wide range of terrain types and, in the case of the Open Championship (British Open), a wide range of weather patterns.

However, the hardest challenge of golf is not in the technique but in the mental game. No matter how well one prepares for the technical aspect of the game, golf swings are made over long stretches of time and being consistent requires great mental strength. Even among champions, the element of “choking” can cause a great player to lose tournaments, such as Tom Watson in the 2009 Open Championship and Phil Mickelson across several US Opens.

One reason why businessmen appreciate the game, other than it being part of making deals and an activity meant to demonstrate status, is that the game requires immense mental focus, discipline and patience. Donald Trump hitting a solo birdie and eagle on a Break 50 video with US Open champion Bryson DeChambeau is impressive to a layman but even more impressive to those who have experience playing the game.

However, the key reason why golf is important to the elite, especially when making business deals, is that golf is a morality test. This test is referred to as “Golf Etiquette.”

There are some aspects of Golf Etiquette which are visible to the non-golfer. For example, there is an “honor” aspect of not nudging the ball from a bad position on difficult terrain, referred to as a “bad lie,” but there are others less visible.

First, golf has a litany of rules and regulations regarding all aspects of gameplay, published in a small book by the USGA (United States Golf Association) every year. For example, in 2019, the USGA removed the penalty for putting with the flagpole in the hole in order to improve the “pace of play,” etiquette relating to playing golf in a timely manner relative to those ahead and behind the player.

Second, there is golf etiquette with regards to proper attire and demeanor. There are specific unofficial rules for golf shirts, pants, shorts, shoes, and so on and so forth. It is a test of whether or not you are able to be dignified and classy.

Third, etiquette is essential to being able to play golf in group settings at a proper course. One always plays the furthest ball first—this may seem obvious at distance, but this also applies to putting. One must take care to repair the course, returning chunks of grass made from striking balls (called “divots”) and using the special ball mark tool to repair often difficult to find divots on the green, not to mention smoothing out the hazards with the rake after play (caddies do all of this, but you must do it if you do not have one at hand). The concept of keeping “pace of play,” keeping in mind other players on the course, is always present. Think of yelling “Fore!” when a ball goes out of bounds. Not talking when others are hitting or putting. Keeping away from your opponent’s line-of-sight when he is making a shot. Not stepping between an opponents ball on the green and the hole (country club greens are faster and delicate than public course greens) which could alter the trajectory of a putt. All of which takes place over several hours of play, allowing businessmen and other urban professionals to socialize with clients over difficult and risky business deals.

My experience comes from having played country club golf from a young age. While I am more of a tennis person and my golf is terribly inconsistent, I can still hit a straight 240-yard drive on the fairway if I focus enough (I cannot hit a 3/5 wood or low iron to save my life, however). Even though I am no longer fortunate enough to play golf on private courses, I still appreciate golf tournaments and the occasional golf video from time to time.

[First picture is of the Claret Jug, the trophy of the Open Championship]
Claret Jug British Open.jpg
Golf Flagstick Rule.webp

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Trump is the most successful pro-life president of all time.

Fight me.
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@StarProphet @neofugue @neofugue

With all due respect, I do not think that the main problem with Jim of Jim’s Blog is his crypto sales pitches, though his pitch is wrong. The key problem with Jim is that he is a degenerate Epicurean Pagan philosopher advocating for a dishonest variant of Christianity in order to defeat an existential threat to the survival of the West without recognizing the racial element of said enemy or the need to justify why saving the West is right in the first place.

Here is Jim’s Blog’s way to purchase KYC Bitcoin, which was in his comments section:

1. Open a bank account which allows for transfers between a KYC Crypto exchanges such as Coinbase, Gemini, Cex . io, et cetera.
2. Transfer capital from that bank account to your account on the KYC exchange.
3. Purchase KYC crypto after paying all necessary fees.
4. Create a crypto wallet from crypto wallet software from Electrum, Luno, Exodus, et. cetera (wallet #1)
5. Tranfer crypto to the crypto wallet.
6. Transfer KYC crypto to a non-KYC exchange such as Bisq (Bisq account #1).
7. Purchase Monero after paying fees because Monero is untraceable.
8. Transfer Monero to second wallet (wallet #2) (you can help Andrew Anglin after this step as he is a staunch advocate of Monero, but it would be best if you bought Monero at step 3 to avoid extra fees).
9. Transfer Monero to Bisq after creating a second account (Bisq account #2).
10. Purhcase non-KYC Bitcoin from second account after paying fees.
11. Send theoretically untraceable Bitcoin to your final wallet (wallet #3).

Voila, you now have (theoretically untraceable???) non-KYC Bitcoin, YAY!!!

Except for the fact that you initially had to purchase Bitcoin from a KYC account and the government has a permanent record of this because EVERY TRANSACTION you make, every Bitcoin transaction in history, is on the PUBLIC Bitcoin ledger.

So given the fact that according to Jim’s Blog in late 2020-2021 we were going to have USSR 2.0 it would only make sense to have Bitcoin if you were planning on leaving the country as even if you did every single step the regime would still be able to point to your public record of Bitcoin purchasing and if every transaction you made did not add up to zero the government could still find you and torture you to death to have you reveal your third wallet. The supposed benefit of Bitcoin over gold is that because Crypto can be stored on a wallet and secured by a seed, you can have freedom of movement as your money is not restricted by your ability to carry it, as is the case with gold. However, if the government has a public record of your purchasing Bitcoin, this supposed freedom of movement is moot.

The only advantage of having Bitcoin as opposed to gold is if you are in 1917 Russia and you have time to flee before things get worse and you do not have the ability to carry unlimited gold in your suitcase. However, if you are a kulak, you are still dead.

But that’s not his main problem. His problem is that he adopted a race-blind NRx system which failed to take into consideration the racial element of the American elite. Every single prediction Jim has made on politics since 2019 has been proven false.

Now, to give him credit, he does still produce high-quality mostly-ok content like this article:

However, the real problem with Jim is his philosophy—even his "good" essays like the one above is tainted by his degenerate Epicurean Pagan philosophy.

The reason why I do not comment on Jim’s Blog anymore is because I have nothing to add. Before, I thought I could discuss subjects relating to Orthodoxy, but Jim and Alf are wrong because you cannot restore a faith if you yourself do not believe in it, and both of them know that creating a state based on the “Natural Law” of “Gnon” is simply not going to suffice because “Gnon” is not real. My last comment thread on Jim’s Blog was me pointing out that without God, there is no justification for Natural Law if by defecting on your neighbor gives you an immediate genetic advantage at the cost of civilization, order, and advanced society.

In other words, by Natural Law alone, there is nothing wrong with nigger pimp Andrew Tate being a nigger pimp despite the fact that hundreds of engineers (i.e. nerds i.e. people who build civilization) are not going to reproduce.

The reason why Jim has so many Pajeets on his blog is because he runs a Pagan blog and Pajeets are a bunch of demon-worshiping Pagans. Note that while Pakistanis have some of the subhuman traits of the Hindus, they are not as filthy and disgusting as the Hindus despite being of the same Racial stock. You do not find public defecation in Pakistan the way you do in India because the Islamic faith despite its flaws is far more civilized than Hindu demon worship. I still have a comment from one of the Pajeets on Jim’s Blog who I bullycided off the comments section who admitted that he could care less if his people of a lower caste lived in filth and garbage.

Is it any wonder that a blog which asserts that advancement of one’s immediate genetic line is the highest good attracts people from the most disgusting so-called civilization?

In the end, Jim’s Blog fails because Jim is, admittedly, evil. All is NOT fair in love and war. You DO NOT have the right to be evil to gain an advantage against your neighbor. God defines what is good, right and true, not “Natural Law,” and certainly not “Gnon.”
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@thefinn @UnCL3 @judgedread

More than that. If female emancipation leads to irreversible population collapse, then the implementation, facilitation and/or advocacy of female emancipation is by default HIGH TREASON against the state.

It is therefore an existential imperative to sentence to death those who publicly advocate, facilitate, or implement female emancipation.

When all the faggots have no more carriers, feminism is our carte blanche to impose our version of Nuremberg on our enemies.

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South Korea has some of the major prescriptions against a low birth rate that many boomer rightists talk about- porn is illegal, mandatory military service for all young men, 'HARD WORK' employment culture.

Despite all this, it has the lowest fertility rate in the world. What gives? I thought all we needed to 'save america' was to "kick the zoomer in the ass" and "get young men back to work"?
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POWERFUL — Rachmaninoff Etude Op. 39 No.5 — From one of two sets of etudes-tableaux Rachmaninoff wrote after he emigrated to the United States, this etude is played by Russian pianist Nikolai Lugansky. Make sure to raise the volume high. Most people listen to classical music with the volume two low. When musicians play solo in concert halls, they make sure to project to the back of the audience, so never listen to solo classical music with the volume too low!
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Happy New Year to all frens on Gab and Fedi!!!

I hope everyone is enjoying a nice New Year’s dinner with friends and family.

For New Year’s Day, I would like to introduce Russian Orthodox priest Father Oleg Stenyev.

Archpriest Oleg Stenyev is one of many great Russian priests whose writings and speeches are not all translated into English. One may find many of his articles on some of the official sites such as OrthoChristian, but most of his best work is hidden to Western audiences.

One of my contacts is the spiritual son of a priest who translated one of Oleg Stenyev’s lectures into English. His speech was on the family, of the families of Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, and Ruth the Moabite. The Invidious YT link to the full discussion is linked as follows:

As there is no official translation of Father Stenyev’s lecture, copying and pasting my friend’s priest’s translation carries an opsec risk. Here are some insightful quotations from the translation, slightly altered for opsec purposes:

On heretics/sectarians/unbelievers:

“The devil deliberately distorts the words of God; he wants to draw our ancestor Eve into some kind of useless discussion. Did God say, 'Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?' The same goes for [heretics] who ask Orthodox Christians provocative questions, not to hear the right answer but to confuse us, to throw us out of spiritual balance and draw us into useless discussion. [For example, sectarians] ask, "is it true that the Trinity is Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, and St. Nicholas?" When an Orthodox Christian hears this, he begins to explain what the Trinity is and is drawn into a useless discussion with those who do not want to hear the right answer, but want to confuse a person in order to undermine his spiritual world. In this sense, the "ancient serpent" is the first sectarian and the first heretic who works against God, His laws and principles.”

On feminism:

“Saint John Chrysostom writes, 'Eve was created in order to converse with Adam.' Why did she find herself alone without Adam when she converses with the serpent? She violated the principle of conciliarity. That is, the great-mother Eve was the first feminist. She was the first emancipated woman who challenged the authority of her husband and as a result the serpent took advantage of this situation.”

On accusing others:

“Adam should have said, ‘Yes, I have eaten from the tree from which you forbade me to eat.’ If Adam had said this, the first man would have repented before God and the fallen human race would have been restored. Saint John Chrysostom writes, 'If you were the only man living on earth, for your sake alone the Son of God would have become incarnate on earth and ascended upon the cross to wash you with His Blood.' That is, in the eyes of God, every person is of the greatest value and the Lord always provides for our salvation. But instead of repenting, Adam shifts the blame onto another person and indirectly accuses God.”

On the foolishness of believing that sin has no consequence:

“Sin is never your or my personal business. Sin always has serious consequences for all our descendants. Exodus says, 'I am the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me' (Ex. 20:5), and God said to Abraham, 'But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again' (Genesis 15:16). We can learn a very important lesson from this. We must refrain from sins at least out of the desire that our children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren will not end up without God’s blessing, with the consequences of our sins. Abraham, descending into Egypt, goes to Egypt where he and his people are sold into slavery.”

On bringing unbelieving family into the Church:

“In the Law of God it is said, 'A Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord, neither shall the tenth generation of them enter into the congregation of the Lord forever' (Deuteronomy 23:3). [However, Ruth] goes with [Naomi], and when they enter Bethlehem, this city, the whole city comes to a stir. They remembered how Elimelech [late husband of Naomi] left this city loaded with all kinds of wealth; and now Naomi walks on foot, according to tradition, barefoot, and leads a Moabite woman by the hand behind her, a woman named Ruth. There are no more children of Naomi, no husband, she lost all this living with them in the fields of Moab. But she gained one soul, the soul of Ruth, and she becomes the great-grandmother of King David...therefore, if modern Canaanite women, Moabites, non-churchgoers, maybe even atheists appear in your families, do not rush to create some kind of scandal, try to do everything to correct and convert them. Naomi did it; she converted Ruth.”

Icon is of Ruth and Naomi; Picture is of Father Oleg Stenyev
Oleg Stenyev.jpg
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Elon Musk has made an unforced error with his recent spergout.

Remember, our strategy is not to elect someone who will implement what we want, our plan is to support the side that will let us live long enough for us to eventually break free into a rump state if not outright kill them.

And our one trump card, the only reason why we are still alive right now, is our indispensability to the functionality of the military. Foreigners and third-world biomass will never sign up for key fighting roles in the military.

By exposing the H1B program as a ploy to impoverish and exploit Americans, we have raised the stakes needed to get Whites back into the system. Notice how prospective 2028 presidential candidate J.D. Vance, despite having an ethnic-H1B spouse, immediately countersignalled Musk and then went silent.

I could not be happier with this development. Through no effort on our part, the regime has dealt itself a huge blow to its legitimacy. I hope Musk continues going on more spergouts and more mass bans over many more issues in the future.

In addition, Vivek Ramaswamy's political career is over, thank goodness. Last thing we need is yet another foreigner in the 2028 presidential race.

Just to clarify, no one here should hold anything against Elon Musk for this. Musk was never truly "ourguy" otherwise he would never have made it in the first place, and the contribution of his purchase of Twitter and shifting the Overton Window rightwards cannot be discounted towards helping us win the long game. @Starprophet
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Brilliant insight from Heartiste:

Remember that the true purpose of homeschooling is not preventing the enemy from brainwashing your sons, though that is of paramount importance, rather preventing your daughter from being integrated into modern slut culture.

It would be better if she were dead instead. Take it as you will...

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