We're in for a wild ride if this is legit.
New public opinion from Russia:
>New public opinion research suggests that the majority doesn't want to ever return to a normal relationship with Germany, the UK and the US.
>Majority view them as the enemy of the Russian state and a threat that has to be dealt with.
>WW2 rhetoric are being used against such states, stating that war is the only way forward to solve such issue.
>Majority demand direct warfare and destruction/occupation of such states.
>Majority view the European population as a hostile entity that must be "dealt with.
>Majority view Russia as the backbone of western culture and view the west as a heretic copy that is evil and false.

@Shlomo They don't sound wrong. They seem responsible and prudent in the face of what USA/Israel/etc does and stands for.

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@nomebullyyou There are also news from their investment sector: Russian cooperation's are now focusing more on domestic production than investing in selling goods to foreign nations, especially Europe. They view the domestic market as something more important to tap into and develop.
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