@sickburnbro what even is the standard for verification anyways? Click yes if you're over 18? If so, very concerning
@sickburnbro Christ that's disgusting. A simple click box is too much? Definitely trying to promote to children
@SpurgAnon like - this is from the text. specifically about not wanting kids to get addicted by techniques that facebook specifically has said it has done.
coomers big mad they can't indoctrinate children into their habits. It really is amazing to me how violent people will get if you even hint at the idea of taking their coomsoomption away.
@sickburnbro @matty just need to declare it a mental illness again, troons are the key to this
@SpurgAnon @matty yeah, it really is. troons, at least MtF seem to be 100% mega-fucked up porn addicts
@sickburnbro @SpurgAnon @matty How would you suggest they verify age? The issue seems to be about online anonymity. I get that porn is bad, especially if kids are watching and getting addicted to it, but how are they gonna balance letting adults view porn, whether you agree with that or not, while preventing kids from doing it?
>how are you going to balance allowing adults to view it while preventing kids from doing it
>allow adults to view it

See that's where you got it twisted my man it should be completely banned outright and all pornographers should be killed.
@matty @sickburnbro @SpurgAnon So, you dodged the question. I don't have it twisted. I asked how would you do age verification to keep kids from looking at porn while maintaining anonymity for adults. Your solution would be to ban all porn, which isn't possible, either, but for different reasons.

>all pornographers should be killed.
Not even feasible for numerous reasons. And, what, here in the US? Worldwide? How would you pass/enforce a global law to ban porn? Seal team 6 strikes on suspected porn studios in the Bahamas?

People, especially older people, think that banning something gets rid of it. Then, ignore everything that's banned but commonly used, as if porn would be any different than drugs or guns.

There is no banning things. Banning creates black markets makes exploitation easier and more profitable. Banning things online is a boomer-tiered fantasy. You can't stop people from making pixels on a screen light up.

I tend to agree with you that if banning was a thing, porn should be banned, bit how many trillions of dollars are you willing to give (((government))) to pretend to go after porn makers to get results no better than the ban on drugs?
You misunderstand me. I'm not interested in giving people the "right" to watch pornography. It needs to be killed. There's no nuance or underlying "read between the lines" to my statement. I mean it as I wrote it. Pornography should be banned completely, regardless of target audience, and any/all pornographers should be summarily executed.
>banning porn isn't possible
You're right, but we can stop easy access to it.
>creates a black market
It does, but that media has to be distributed somewhere. The entire premise of pornography and free access to it is to ruin children either through setting unrealistic standards for them or by literally trafficking them.

You destroy black markets by executing the people responsible for laying their infrastructure. It's that easy. If you kill the bad people they will be gone. ​
I think everyone who wants to ban porn understands that like any ban it is not going to completely eradicate it but rather make it as difficult to access as possible
Like yeah everybody knows that if you try real hard you can still buy crack or CP on the dark web or whatever but the amount of hoops and hurdles you've got to deal with represent a significant barrier to entry for the average person
@doctorsex @matty @sickburnbro @SpurgAnon What hoops do you think I would need to go through to buy meth in the next 30 minutes? Me, being the average non-meth doer. There is no bar. Banning porn would be no different. And, if large numbers of people sought CP, the dark web would be as easily accessed as Insta.
What you're actually saying is "I don't want pornography to be banned because I consume it frequently, but I hide my lust to consume it behind an argument saying that it's impossible to completely get rid of it so there's no point in trying" ​
@matty @doctorsex @sickburnbro @SpurgAnon On the contrary, I specifically said that if you could ban porn, I would support that effort. But banning porn would be no more effective than banning pot. And, since it's easier to make a porn than to grow a plant, the ban would be less effective than banning pot.
Youre a retard and pot was far harder to get and is used more frequently now that its legal damn near everywhere. How are people still libertarians? That shit is retarded bans work.
If bans didn't work he wouldn't be so against them
@doctorsex @transgrammaractivist @matty @FreeinTX @sickburnbro @SpurgAnon I was in SE Asia for a while. Bans absolutely work. I had met some other Westerners there @ the beach & one of them had asked a local if he can get him weed. The local looked like he wanted to beat his ass.

Turns out it was highly illegal with extremely stiff penalties & nobody wants to risk their freedom / physical punishment so you can get stoned.

Bring back draconian weed laws. I am so fucking sick of smelling it in the park with my kids.

We're trying to be active and learn skills on the playground. There's always a group of adult loser addicts standing out smoking it in public just because "it's legal now bro, it doesn't hurt anybody."

Meanwhile in the South where it's still *illegal the majority of their murders are weed deals gone bad / robberies.

@catmanmancat I wasn't too concerned about weed until I had my first daughter. Now I take her to the park for a couple hours after work and half the time we see and smell stoners at one of the tables. Go to get the mail and my neighbor is puffing a doobie right in my face as he gets his mail. I don't mind my little girl having little tiny bits of caffeine here and there but I don't want her getting even the smallest contact high from government frankenweed.

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@nomebullyyou I don't like even having to explain to my kids why there's a circle of adults sharing what looks like a cigarette, giggling, and stinking up the joint. It makes the curious. Unfortunately, if you push them too hard in one direction defiance kicks in & they become interested because it appeared to them they were all having fun.
@catmanmancat @nomebullyyou Explain to them that they're lower class people.

Seems to have worked for me growing up.
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