Even though Christianity is still the majority religion here in the US, that's just what people tell surveyors. The modern world is fully materialist and "atheist" in the sense of having no inclinations toward an authentic spirituality.

What is an authentic spirituality? It's quite simple: it's the process of unselfing...which means to remove more and more of yourself to let in the divine. It's about taking your hands off the steering wheel and letting God, or whatever you believe in, drive.

But it's clear that the modern world had no interest in this process. In fact, it downright celebrates the ego.

Almost all modern spiritualities are corrupted by this. They sell you yoga pants and say to be sex positive. They offer you crypto-backed seminars where you meditate or pray to "get over your fears of being rich." They have a whole political wing that sells itself, in part, as spiritually compassionate, so you can FEEL good about using the gov to improve your social status.


Sex, money, and social status...the Three Pillars of Materialism. They're all there. And that's just for the people whose egos need a spiritual veneer to soothe the modicum of self-consciousness they have about choosing sensory pleasures over God. Most of the world doesn't even care at all and won't think twice about watching the newest celebrity twerk and sing about how much money and sex is in their life.

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But even though this is a rampant problem, Jesus Fascism is NOT the solution.

Christianity, sorry to say, is mostly a paganized Jesus cult anyways. The entire aim there is to "keep God happy so he keeps us happy," which is just materialism through superstitious means. The church should of stuck to Athanasius's concept of theosis.

The ego is the source of choice. Once gone there's no more choice. People have to be FREE to choose love of God, which means the possibility of choosing materialism.

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