The more this guy speaks in this quoted thread, the more stupid he sounds even if he can articulate big words and get the gist of what he is saying. it's like he only picked up Introductory Logic and maybe one or two Romantic-era philosophers, yet barely remembered a few of the lessons and plastered a picture of Schopenhauer to his account to self-proclaim himself a philosopher.

He didn't even bother looking at the Wikipedia page of Christian theology or Eschatology, however inadequate that is, for some accuracy when discussing the religion, or even the wrong, yet sincere, ideologies among Christian adherents like dispensational pre-millennialism.

If you want the perfect, textbook example of what a midwit looks like, this is it.


@SuperSnekFriend Everything you just wrote is ad hominems and insults...and then somehow I'm the midwit? Address actual points rather than just insulting me please.


@BobRoss @SuperSnekFriend You guys are such good Christians.

Like, this sort of reprehensible "gang up on the non-Christian" kind of behavior is just MORE reason to reject your religion.

Your religion claims to be based on an objective morality, but it doesn't even produce good people. It produces hate filled partisans that shit post and aren't even creative about it.

I mean, if you're going to shit post, you can at least be funny. Just calling someone a faggot isn't really even funny.

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@philosophy @SuperSnekFriend not going to listen to a faggot try to lecture me about my religion

No idea what you were arguing about just saw you cry about ad hominem which means you're a gay retard.

@BobRoss @SuperSnekFriend You're clearly not interested in a productive conversation and so I'm just blocking you.

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