Full Interview Between Rabbi Abraham Finkelstein and Pastor James Wickstrom https://youtube.com/watch?v=az0fnoPG5i8&si=Nn1Ancs5Q6PNywYN
This fate comes to all of us.
I remember Hackman in Superman and Unforgiven.
Gene Hackman did his Last Interview in 2004 and he DIDN’t MAKE ANY FILMS... https://youtube.com/shorts/wGaVZ27N_uc?si=HR4SKRnWG5xsHGYH
The Guess Who - No Sugar Tonight / New Mother Nature (Audio) https://youtube.com/watch?v=yMG-Mi9I0-k&si=K58HtCwGhcdQ3THQ
You do not hate these people enough.
Just thinking: While I was grinding; working 13 hr days, diet and gym regimen; hoping one day I could win a girl of my dreams. The tall good looking Men got her without even trying; and just like that, it was game over, for me.
Even average females have been living my dream life for the last 15 years. Fulfilling MOST of their sexual fantasies well before age 28. Getting showered with money, gifts, and attention.
Women Almost Passes OUT after Learning Palestine Is All A LIE! https://youtube.com/watch?v=iT18w50MbsE&si=NNN0WlMjKA9yYRUj
Looks like a pitch for Male Surveillance.
The UK deserves to fall and any other cultures that allow this.
TFM is correct. One way or another, the Muslims will take over...
Netflix ''Adolescence'' is a Sexist Hit Piece on Boys https://youtube.com/watch?v=4XQfZAbKfeU&si=LTTyT708P5ginjPC
I spent all this time trying to be one of you and now I realize... I'm not.