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This Rat police
-had t shirt that says "deny everything"
-lied about having a gun on his person/possession
-puts his hands inside pockets

Do you think ANY ONE of us would not be thrown to the ground with a knee in our back if we did any ONE of those things? This lying Rat did ALL 3 and they spoke to him carefully like they were talking to their boyfriend after they just got done sucking another man's dick.

Cop Gets Himself ARRESTED After Reckless Encounter!

Remember: "AM I being Detained or am I FREE TO GO"
This puts the onus on the cop.

Aside: they can ALWAYS lie. They lie under color of law, ALL the time.

LAWYER: 5 Tips When Cops DEMAND Your ID

Gentlemen: Their propaganda movement has traction and momentum.
They have Won.
They will not stop until they have enslaved us all or until we water the Tree Of Liberty.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.