Someone sent me one of these tweets, and this is the newest dating article fodder.

Without even touching it, I know it's probably gonna take the usual pseudo "conservative" (i.e. democrat 2005) take on the issue:

- Women can't find a good husband they feel is worthy of them
- Boys aren't even trying to become that husband
- Gosh dammit why aren't the boys even trying to become a high-flying husband?
- Stupid idiot boys ignore everything your moms/teachers/therapists(forced)/professors/managers/HRladies/bosses and exes/crushes/prospects say and just man up!!!!!

They'll admit some tiny, insignificant part of the blame for women like
- Sure, girls make up 70+% of college students, and most high-paying office work actively disenfranchises all non-woman, non-brownoid applicants
- BUT no matter what there's still a tiny chance they'll hire a white man, so you should be giving it 150% of your effort for years on end hoping to snag that 5% chance of winning the job lottery that's given so freely to your competitors!!!

So let's dive in


These articles are a way for women to flex their power as the definers of reality. Virtue signaling fake concern for men that they just use for their own status.

I think that’s why she focused on minority guys, because it’s ok to see them as victims, and so she can do the representation thing for her own gain.

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