Did anybody else here have their red pill awakening while married?


Sorta. Really in the process of divorce. When I realized she wasn’t just crazy and destructive but that everyone would protect her from consequences no matter what she did but ready to believe the worst about me no matter how much good I did under the worst conditions.

@southpole21 I hope you make it out okay. I have watched a lot of friends and colleagues get horribly mistreated by the system during divorces. I hear that Terrence Popp has a video entitled "Administrative Violence" or something similar that helps you level the playing field but I have not seen it.



Thanks, it’s been a long time since I got divorced. I still have to deal with her sometimes but at least I don’t live with her. Things were pretty dark for a while. A lot better now even if not great.

(I meant it was during divorce I really got redpIlled, not that I’m getting divorced now. Maybe I wasn’t clear)

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