@UnpopularOpinion @Tfmonkey it's the same tactic of administrative harassment an employer or agency or government will use to get rid of someone that opposes them. They will selectively enforce rules and use technicalities to make life impossible until the person they're harassing quits or gives up.
@Yorsshitposter @PapaPole @CygnusX1 @Tfmonkey people like this are totally invested in their position and are unwilling to change their point of view. In this "debate" he's just looking for reasons not to concede any point tfm makes. Probably because he's too worried about the social (+ economic) cost of having an unpopular opinion.
@furgar juke-box hero, got staaaarrrrrrrssss in his eyes
@PinochetsCommieCopter mom, dad, how'd you meet?
@rimugu sadly finding what’s true among a sea of propaganda requires more interest and intelligence than most people have.
@rimugu test the science
@Aether those eyes: and I almost had the ultimate nut
@NEETzsche dab on the gullible
@[email protected] prime sheminister
@[email protected] I was in a health clinic the other day, super freak was playing in the waiting room. kinda bizarre
@HyperboreanWave and having something to bitch about and doing so is their greatest goal
@Pain66 and politicians too of course
@Pain66 on this question I was noticing how many women run election centers and how many awful “journalists” are women. It’s starting to stand out like a sore thumb how women and female hysteria dominate the political process in these times of fair elections and civil discourse.
@[email protected] what mandate?
@ForbiddenDreamer I’m going to start counting how many women I see in the liquor aisle