
Always was projection. They accuse the right wing of censoring books (removing explicit pornography from elementary schools) while they (attempt to) censor books.

@dictatordave @teknomunk @sickburnbro you guys dont know the half of it, I have been hearing that the biden admin has been using the FBI to blackmail US banks to short the commodities futures market to artificially manipulate the price of goods and keep them low, the banks louse a shit ton of money for doing this and the fed bails them out. Its basically price control with extra steps and we all know what that leads to.

@37712@teknomunk @dictatordave @sickburnbro

> using the FBI to blackmail banks

In the future, the FBI will hold a place in history books next to the KGB for tyrannical enforcement organizations.
@IAMAL_PHARIUS @[email protected] @dictatordave @sickburnbro

Correct, but the Waco Massacre is not covered in current history books (either at all or accurately) and I don't expect that to change while this regime is in power. Hence: "In the future".

@teknomunk @IAMAL_PHARIUS @dictatordave @sickburnbro

throught my life I have come to find out that a lot of what is written in the history books books is a lie.

I dont remember how the saying goes but it was something like this.

history is a bunch of lies that we all agree on

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