
@Pain66 poor guy, I have been there myself before, the truth is that sweet talking and beign nice does not help, you have to be an asshole, sometimes do something to start an argument or a fight in such a way that its her fault and then the reconciliation sex will be good, or do something to seem un interested in her to the point where she feels like she might louse you to another woman, etc. Woman are weird dumb creatures.

@37712 @Pain66 buy a sexdoll version of her and fuck it in front of her every day, several times a day.

@Lorgar @Pain66 is it just me or has anyone else noticed that women cant stay happy, they have to be consistently engaged in a circle of emotions that go from happy to angry, sometimes there is a short time of sadness and back to happy and its this un ending circle. All woman are like this, they continually go in this circle where they will be best friends for like two weeks and then they alway progress to beign worst enemies for two weeks and then the circle starts over again.

@37712 @Pain66 It is the great game of thots. Chaos forces that need to be harvested by the right ritual instead of being denied by the cucked Gynperium.

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